Where Worlds Collide

It's not Cynosure, but.... that's a good thing, I think. Here is where I exist, created by my characters and creating the stories they live in.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cold winds

Outside, the wind is blowing so hard I can feel it passing through the walls and gnawing at my feet. Sometimes I swear we live in a wind tunnel. We may, given that we live on a north-south road, on a hill in the Heldebergs. Simply put, the strip of road that is cleared for the trees funnels all the wind here, and it pours down from the peak with a vengeance.

I also live in a beautiful area however. For the inconvenience of a half-hour drive, I'm near enough to our state capitol, I can walk to a lovely reservoir and enjoy cheery sunrises and sunsets over the water, and for a little less driving, there are several wildlife preserves nearby.

It really is a nice place all in all. Which of course, doesn't explain why I would like to leave it. Though I do. Mostly I dream of traveling; other times, I would love to move to the UK, maybe live near Solihul or just outside Wolverhampton; and if not those, I think I'd like to take up the family home out by Syracuse, where I can enjoy fifteen acres of land with fruit trees and memories yet still be able to comfortably ride a bike to the nearest Barnes & Noble.

I really don't know what my actual plans are, except that I want something different. And how this ties in with me posting here today after so very long, is that here as well, I want something different. No,I need something different, but I don't know what yet. So, I'll keep this place on the back burner until I know more, and I will ponder and consider what it might be.